Friday, 29 January 2016

New bunker at 16th hole on Silverburn course.

The turf has been stripped and the hole dug out for the new bunker. This bunker will give the right side if this hole some definition as it is a bit bland at the moment. It will be a shallow bunker with a small revetted face at the front which will be visible from the tee. More pictures will follow as it develops. This bunker is now finished with all the existing turf re laid and sand added. 

New forward yellow/red tee at the 16th hole.

The base for the new tee has been constructed using sand. The root zone has been placed at 150mm deep. We have started to cover the banks with fescue  turf which will sit on the pure sand and give us a wispy thin appearance to the turf. Marram will also be spriged into the turf to give a natural look along with the fescue. 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

New reservoir fence.

We have started to replace the perimeter fence at the irrigation reservoir. New posts and mesh will be erected with two rows of barb wire at the top to stop entry into the reservoir area. The work is being carried out by the green staff over the winter months.